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“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”


- Elizabeth Andrew

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”


- Elizabeth Andrew 

Volunteering at HOW

Volunteers can make a life-changing impact on the individuals and families HOW serves. We want your volunteer experience to be rewarding, so we have a variety of opportunities to fit your schedule and interests.

HOW's volunteer opportunities have been updated to align with public health recommendations to keep our clients, volunteers, and community safe. 

Single Day Opportunities

One Time Volunteer Opportunities

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Single-day volunteer opportunities include cleanup days at HOW buildings, assisting with community and client events and providing expertise in specific areas. Have a skill or interest you’d love to share? Volunteer to lead enrichment activities such as yoga, resume writing, healthy eating, financial literacy, poetry writing, or dance. Opportunities exist for groups and individuals. 


Please email Gretchen Goetzman to learn more about any of these opportunities.

HOW is currently working on adjusting our volunteer model. Currently, there are no open single-day opportunities available. 


Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities


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HOW is always looking for individuals interested in making a larger commitment to supporting our work.  There are a variety of ways to make a big impact on the agency and those we serve.

Diaper Day Volunteer Pool

  • HOW partners with Bundled Blessings in Evanston which provides needed diapers for HOW families once a month. HOW has a pool of volunteers who help by picking up the diapers, bringing them to HOW’s office, and sorting them.    

  • You should volunteer if: You have a vehicle you can drive and transport diapers in. Once this is a pool position you could volunteer as much or as little as your schedule allows, but we ask that you at least prepare to assist 3 months out of the year. 

Join the Associate Board

  • HOW’s Associate Board is a group of young professionals who meet once a month and support HOW by various fundraisers, in-kind collections, and engagement campaigns.   

  • You should volunteer if: You are looking for a monthly commitment of about 1-4 hours a month and are interested in joining a group of like-minded peers interested and committed to HOWs mission and work. 

  • Next steps: Learn more and complete an application here

Other Opportunities

Host a Donation Drive 

HOW families often don’t have the income to secure needed items. Organize a drive at your workplace, school, or other location to help. To find out about our current drive or arrange one of your own, click here.

Host an Event 

Host an event to benefit HOW by raising money and/or awareness to support our work. If you want to brainstorm ideas contact Gretchen.

Become a Social Advocate 

Follow us on social media using the links below and promote and share our content.

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