Virtual Fall Luncheon
Rx Housing:
The Intersection of
Health and Housing
HOW's Fall Luncheon, Rx Housing: the Intersection of Health and Housing, will conclude the year's Speaker Series. This virtual event will allow attendees to hear from a diverse panel of experts from a variety of fields in conversation about the complex relationship between a person's housing status and their health.
To learn about sponsorship options please scroll down past the sponsorship list.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Denis and Martha Pierce
Bob and Bobbie Taylor
Brad and Kate Denny


and Linda Stevenson

Sponsorship Options
If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact HOW’s Director of Development, Mary Coy.
HOW Champion
Inclusion of name and logo in all event materials
Premium recognition during the event
Lead sponsor of virtual stream for online attendees
Exclusive HOW social media postings with your branded content
30 virtual tickets
Prominent recognition in pre and post event marketing and PR materials
Recognition in agency annual report
HOW Hero
Inclusion of name and logo in all event materials
Premium recognition during the event
Prominent recognition during the virtual event
Secondary sponsor of virtual stream for online attendees
Exclusive HOW social media postings with your branded content
25 virtual tickets
Prominent recognition in pre and post event marketing and PR materials
Recognition in agency annual report
HOW Benefactor
Inclusion of name and logo in all event materials
Prominent recognition during the virtual event
20 virtual tickets Inclusion in HOW social media postings
Prominent recognition in pre and post event marketing and PR materials
Recognition in agency annual report
HOW Sustainer
Inclusion of name and logo in all event materials and during the event
Inclusion in social media postings
15 virtual tickets
Recognition in pre and post event marketing and PR materials
Recognition in agency annual report
HOW Partner
Inclusion of name in all event materials and signage
8 virtual tickets
Prominent recognition in pre and post event marketing and PR materials
Recognition in agency annual report and exclusive social media post
Questions? Contact us.